For registration of horticultural and arboricultural products a digital form must be filled in (see Digital Registration and download procedure). Further a sample of the product to be registered has to be delivered on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday between 8.30 and 16.00 hours.
A 'passport photo' is made of the product. As this photo is published on PlantScope, a product of excellent quality is required.
A product which is being traded has a name consisting of various parts. Besides this for trade purposes a different trade name may be used. These names are stated on the registration form and the sample. Names are subject to rules. See these rules on this site.
A cultivar name is unique within a genus. Once a variety name is registered with an authority, this name is maintained. Re-use of a variety name is subject to strict rules and cannot be applied to each genus. It is the identification for the species and to be compared with a Christian name.
If you wish to name a new cultivar:
You can check this name on and on the sites of breeder's rights organizations nationally and on European level with
A phantasy name may also be protected (e.g. BARBIE®). The licency holder may forbid the use of this name. Floricode checks this. In cases of rejection by the trade mark holder, Floricode will ask for a new name. The registrar determines whether the name is used or changed. If Floricode is aware of a trade mark and no difficulties have arisen in the past, this information will be passed on to the registrar. A check on trade marks is to be advised:,, of trademark-search.
If you wish to add a trade name to a new cultivar:
Besides a variety name also a trade name is given to a product. In this case the full product name is not identical to the name which you will enter on for instance auctioning systems. You may report this name separately. The trade name is checked in the same way as the variety name. Re-use is possible however, if the trade code is not active anymore. A trade name is not identifying for a product. Should the trade name be allocated by another winner, a check on the use of trade marks is necessary.