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The following applies on our prices:

  • Applicable per 2024-01-01
  • These prices are per calender year
  • These prices are excl. VAT
  • Without automatic collection an extra € 15,- administrative costs are charged
  • General conditions

Product registration with product code

Description Deliverable Price (€) Unit
Registration of a new product Complete description
Incorporation in Plantscope & FloriBook
Product code
Product report
160 piece
Registration of a new product with re-use of the name Complete description
Incorporation in Plantscope & FloriBook
Product code
Product report
160 piece
Registration of a new application Complete description
Incorporation in Plantscope & FloriBook
Product code
Product report
65 piece
Change of a productname or a trade name Control of the description
Incorporation in Plantscope
65 piece

Product code without product registration

Description Deliverable Price (€) Unit
Request for a product code Product code for a product that's already registered earlier
Product code for a non botanical product (like hardware)
38 piece
Blocking of a product code Blocked product code 38 piece

Re opening of a product code - less tha 5 years out of the market

Re opened product code 38 piece
Re opening of a product code - more than5 years out of the market Complete description
Incorporation in in Plantscope and FloriBook
Product code
Product report
160 piece

FloriBar GTIN / barcode

Description Deliverable Price (€) Unit
Read only GTIN codes Access to website FloriBar to check existing GTIN codes 160 year
Read and request GTIN codes Access to website FloriBar to check existing GTIN codes
and request new (max. 50) GTIN codes for barcoding of ornamentals
320 year


Description Deliverable Price (€) Unit
Taxonomic check of product names Check product names 65 piece
Start rate

1 name €130,-, 5 names €390,-
65 once
Taxonomic advice Advise 100 hour

Company codes

Description Deliverable Price (€) Unit
Request for a complany code (ornamentals) GLN Company code Incorporation in the database company codes for ornamentals 35 * piece
  Graduated price: by one mass request via CSV:    
  > 9 companies 24 piece
Change of a company code Changed data of the GLN (company name, adress) 17 * piece
  Graduated price: by one mass request via CSV:    
  > 9 companies 12 piece

)* These services and products are free of charge for the relations of the Dutch Flower Auctions (VBN)

Location codes

Description Deliverable Price (€) Unit
Request for a location code (ornamentals) GLN Location code Incorporation in the database location codes for ornamentals 35 * piece
  Graduated price: by one mass request via CSV:    
  > 9 location codes 24 piece
Change of a location code Changed data of the GLN (location data)gegevens 17 * piece
  Gradueted price: by one mass request via CSV:    
  > 9 location codes 12 piece

)* These services and products are free of charge in 2021 for relations of the Union of the Dutch Flower Auctions (VBN).

Description Deliverable Price (€) Unit
Basic tariff (required) Start tariff, required to get a subscription on one or more message standards
Access to the documentation
Access to the Test Center
Technical news letters
Software guide
Technical advice and support
315 year
Edifact - Auction clock messages grower Documentation about the following messages:
0 * year
Edifact - Auction clock messages trader Documentation about the following messages:
320 year
Edifact - Elektronic Ordering System (EOS) Documentation about the following messages:
QUOTES (offer)
ORDERS (order) ORDERSP (order response)
320 year
Edifact - Logistic and finance Documentation about the following messages:
INVOICE (auction invoice)
320 year
XML - Ordering System Documentation about the following messages:
VMP Order
VMP Supply
320 year
XML - Labeling and images Documentation about the following messages:
Label (for printing labels)
Image (e.g.RFH Image bank)
320 year
XML - Logistic and-finance ornamantals Documentation about the following messages:
XML Delivery: EPB, ETO, ELS
Invoice (e,g. auction invoice)
320 year
XML - NVWA Fyto certification Documentation about the following messages:
eCertNL Messages
160 year
XML - Berichten bloembollensector Documentation about the following messages:
Delivery/ Order confirmation
320 year

)* Since RoyalFloraHolland/Floriday announced that they will replace the data exchange with these standard messages with new API’s in 2020 Floricode decided to lower the price of this message set to € 0,- per January 1th 2020. The documentation of these messages is still available, but we stopped to deliver further service.

Pictures & Photography

Description Deliverable Price (€) Unit
Image subscription Access to the images via our FTP Server
Weekly update van with the new registered products
Pictures: 72dpi, 640x480
First year 1800, then 1300 year
Pictures - LR - per piece Pictures: tot 150dpi, any format 8,5 piece
Pictures - HR - per piece Pictures: 300dpi, any format 22,5 piece
Photography on demand Pictures in any format 32 piece



Description Deliverable Price (€) Unit
FloriBook app

Access to the complete Floricode product files of cut flowers, house plants and garden plants

Free via
app store



Code lists Flowerbulbs (Edibulb)

Description Deliverable Price (€) Unit
Code lists for flowerbulbs Edibulb code lists; CSV files via our FTP server 90,50 year
  Product codes and feature type codes    
  Company codes    
Code lists perrenials (VARB) Code lists: CSV files via our FTP server    


Code lists Floriculture (cutflowers, potted plants, gardenplants)

Description Deliverable Price (€) Unit
Code package - end user
Code lists downloadable as CSV files via our FTP server
Product codes and feature type codes (VBN)
Company codes and location codes
Other codes (including the data elements)
Logistic means codes
Auction group codes Royal FloraHolland
375 year
Code package - software supplier/agent Equal to "Code package 1 for end users including the right to use these codes in the software systems of the own customers 1885 year


API Ornamentals )*

Description Deliverable Price (€) Unit
Productcodes and feature type codes (LINNAEUS model) Access to the API endpoints 1350 year
Company codes " 550 year
Company and location codes " 1100 year
Other codes (including data elements) " 125 year
Logistic means codes " 125 year
Auction group codes RoyalFloraHolland " Free  
ISO code lists " 100 year
E-Cert code lists (Client Export) " 1125 year
Product codes, feature type codes and GPC codes " 2225 year
Colour codes (Incl. GPC Names) " 550 year
Goods codes (including product group codes) " 400 year
Register of certificates and company codes " 5500 year


)* A subscription is only available for users like growers, traders, auctions and carriers. In case more companies within your company(group) want to make use of these data sets then each individual company needs a subscription and pays the yearly fee as shown for each API bundle.