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Archief Request For Changes (RFC)

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Archief Request For Changes (RFC)

Nr 384
Titel RFC 273: CC VMP-32 en 21 Error Code list
Categorie XML

Request to publish a recommendation in the CCVMP standard to use a generic Error Code List in CCVMP web service implementations. Such a list could provide a sound base for all software suppliers to communicate errors in English with full and correct XPATH locations to the errors.

For FloraHolland I constructed an Error Code list for both the CCVMP implementations of E-Trade and PlantConnect. This Code List is based on the CCVMP message guides and CCVMP business rules. Hence, this code list could be a base for all CCVMP implementations. The attached code list is an Excel document that contains all the columns required to generate a Floricode ErrorList element i.e.:

  • Error Level
  • Severity
  • Error Code
  • Error Descrption in English
  • Error Xpath Location.

It is possible to extend the list with own (custom) error codes in the range (100000+).

Please find the attached file for the generic CCVMP Error Code List. All specific FloraHolland errors are excluded from this list.

Ingediend door persoon Cris Ilbrink
Ingediend door community CC VMP
Uitvoerder Cris Ilbrink
Status Gepubliceerd
Release Sept. 2013
Prioriteit Nice
Berichttype All
Opmerkingen CMG
Opmerkingen Kwaliteitsmanager
Aangemaakt door Floricode Administrator
Aangemaakt op 10/30/2013 10:49 PM
Gewijzigd door Marjo van der Sman
Gewijzigd op 2/28/2014 2:06 PM