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Clock messages Buyer


CLOCKT - Kloktransactie 3.7 (NL)

Item Type Date of publication Date of production End of life
Functioneel Functioneel 6-10-2021 6-10-2021 --
CLOCKT CM (pdf) Convention Manual 6-10-2021 6-10-2021 --
CLOCKT CM (HTML) Convention Manual 14-10-2021  6-10-2021 --
FloraHolland Invulinstructie FloraHolland invulinstructie 6-10-2021 6-10-2021 --
FloraHolland Testberichten FloraHolland Testberichten 6-10-2021 6-10-2021 --
Plantion Invulinstructie Plantion invulinstructie   31-03-2016 05-04-2016 --
Plantion Testberichten Plantion Testberichten 31-03-2016 05-04-2016 --


CLOCKT Transaction Message 3.7 (ENG)

Item Type Publication date Production date End of life
Functional Functioneel 6-10-2021 6-10-2021 --
CLOCKT CM (pdf) Convention Manual 6-10-2021 6-10-2021 --
CLOCKT CM (HTML) Convention Manual 14-10-2021 6-10-2021 --
FloraHolland Implementation instructions (NL) FloraHolland invulinstructie 6-10-2021 6-10-2021 --
FloraHolland Test messages (NL) FloraHolland Testberichten 6-10-2021 6-10-2021 --
Plantion Implementation instructions (NL) Plantion invulinstructie 31-03-2016 05-04-2016 --
Plantion Test messages (NL) Plantion Testberichten 31-03-2016 05-04-2016 --