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Archief Request For Changes (RFC)

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Archief Request For Changes (RFC)

Nr 387
Titel RFC 276: CC VMP-29 NotifyParty in a SupplyReponse 'community' implem. should be conditional
Categorie XML

Business Requirement:
The notifyparty should be condition in a supplyreponse, in the community column it is now manadatory, this must be an error.

Proposed Solution:
The notifyparty should be conditional. The message guide column 'community' for this element should be changed from M to C. See rule 1.11 Notifyparty documentation.

NotifyParty is used to specify one or more parties that may be notified about a supply line. These parties may be a group of potential customers. An offer distribution service within a VMP marketplace uses NotifyParty, after requesting supply, in order to publish the supply line to a selective group of potential customers.


Ingediend door persoon Gerhard Heemskerk namens CC VMP
Ingediend door community CC VMP
Status Ingetrokken
Release ---
Prioriteit Must
Berichttype XML Supply
Opmerkingen CMG
Opmerkingen Kwaliteitsmanager
Aangemaakt door Floricode Administrator
Aangemaakt op 30.10.2013 22:49
Gewijzigd door Floricode Administrator
Gewijzigd op 30.10.2013 22:49